Billing & Payments

Our Student Account Representatives, located in the Business Office, are here to help with questions regarding student accounts and payment options. Students are encouraged to regularly check their account in CashNet through myMountMercy.

Billing & Payment Schedule

Billing is completed by semester approximately a month before the semester begins, not for the full academic year.

The deadline to withdraw from a block course and not be charged is the week prior to the start of the course.

  • August 2: Fall semester billing is complete and statements are available online through CashNet.

  • September 10: Full payment due for fall semester or first payment installment due for all students choosing the monthly payment plan option (payment installments are due September 10, October 10, November 10, and December 10).
    * Late fees will be assessed monthly.

  • Block program payment is due the day the block starts. Fall includes blocks 1, 12, 13, 2, 23, and 3.

  • December 13: Winter semester (J-Term) billing is complete and statements are available online through CashNet.

  • Winter semester tuition for three credit hours is included in the full-time tuition rate for students who are enrolled full-time in both fall and spring semesters. Students must be enrolled and billed as a full-time Mount Mercy student in both semesters. Students are still responsible for any course-related fees, such as lab fees. (*This does not apply to students in accelerated or graduate programs.)

  • Students enrolled in a winter semester (J-Term) course that are not full-time in both the fall and spring will be billed at the part-time tuition rate.

  • Students taking more than three credit hours will be responsible for the cost of the additional credit hours.

  • Block program payment is due the day the block starts. Winter semester (J-Term) includes block 4.

  • December 13: Spring Semester billing is complete and statements are available online through CashNet.

  • February 10: Full payment due for spring semester or first payment installment due for all students choosing the monthly payment plan option (payment installments are due February 10, March 10, April 10, and May 10).
    * Late fees will be assessed monthly.

  • Block program payment is due the day the block starts. Spring includes blocks 5, 56, 57, 6, 67, and 7.

  • May 23: Summer semester billing is complete and statements will be available online through CashNet.

  • Summer payment is due the day the course starts. Summer semester includes Session I and Session II, and blocks 8, 89, and 9.

  • No payment plan is offered during the summer.

Payment Information

The following actions are available on the CashNet site:

  • View current balance
  • Make a payment (including international payments)
  • View statements
  • Set up and edit Authorized User (payer) invitation
  • Set up payment plan
  • Enroll in eRefunds (direct deposit)
*International students can also utilize Flywire to make a payment.

The student may set up another individual (i.e. a parent or guardian) to make a payment on their account or to view their balance. This individual is deemed an ‘Authorized User’ in CashNet.

Follow the below steps to create an Authorized User:

  1. Log into myMountMercy/self-service portal.
  2. Click on the Finances tab.
  3. Click on the CashNet link.
  4. Once on the CashNet site, under menu click on “My Account”.
  5. Under Payers click on “Send a payer invitation”.
  6. A screen will pop up on the right-hand side of the screen for the student to enter the new authorized user’s information (first and last name and email address). The default setting is that authorized users have access to statements. If this access is not wanted, uncheck the box.
  7. Click “Send invitation”.
  8. The new authorized user will receive an email with information on how to set up an account and can make a payment on the student’s behalf.
  9. A student’s profile can be accessed by clicking on   before the student’s name.

Only the student can add, resend, edit, or remove payer access.

If an authorized user needs a password reset, the student must perform the reset. The school cannot reset the password. Steps to edit or reset an authorized user:

  1. Log into myMountMercy/self-service portal.
  2. Click on the Finances tab.
  3. Click on the CashNet link.
  4. Once on the CashNet site, under menu click on “My Account”.
  5. Under “Payers” click on the pencil icon on the authorized user who needs to have the password resent. A screen will pop up on the right-hand side with that payer’s information.
    • The student can “Resend payer invitation” which will reset the payer’s PIN and resend an email to the payer.
    • The student can also “Remove payer”.
    • The student can edit the payer’s access by removing/granting access to the student's statements.
  6. Choose “Save”.

Payment Plan

Mount Mercy offers a monthly payment plan through CashNet with four installments per semester. The cost to enroll is $75 per semester. NO LATE enrollments will be allowed.

Payment Plan Setup (PDF)

Tuition Statements

Students may view statements through myMountMercy. Once a student is logged in, statements can be found on the Finances tab through CashNet.

*A statement only shows the balance at the time the statement is published. CashNet is a “live” site with up-to-date balances.

For authorized users to view statements, they must first obtain CashNet access from their student. See the ‘Authorized User’ section under ‘Payment Information’ for how to set up an authorized user.

Other Refunds

If the student has more financial aid or other payments than the charges on the account, the student will have a credit on their student account and is eligible to receive a refund for the credit. When looking at a student account, a credit balance will have a “-” in front of the amount. The Student Account Representatives (located in the Business Office) issue refunds weekly when the office is open. Students must enroll in e-Refund (direct deposit) through CashNet to authorize an ACH deposit. If a student is not enrolled in e-Refund then the student will receive a physical check. Exceptions to this must be addressed by a Student Accounts Representative.

Withdrawals (Traditional, Semester)

A student’s final bill will be determined on the last day to add classes for each semester. This is generally 7 days after the beginning of the semester and is referred to as the final bill date. Before the final bill date, students may adjust their class schedules without incurring add/drop fees. Students who drop classes after the final bill date will not be eligible for a tuition refund unless they withdraw from the University. Students who withdraw from the University after the final bill date may be eligible for a refund. Please contact the Student Account Representatives (located in the Business Office) for more information regarding tuition refund amounts.

Detailed refund policies can be found in the Student Accounts Handbook.

Financial Hold

The Student Account Representatives (located in the Business Office) may place a hold on a student account if the account is past due. A hold on a student account prevents the student from registering for future classes.


Financial Dismissal

Students who have outstanding balances at the end of a term, may be issued a notice of financial dismissal. The student will be unable to register for future courses until the past due amount is paid in full and the re-admittance process is successfully completed.

Financial Responsibility Agreement (FRA)

All students are required to electronically sign (e-sign) a Financial Responsibility Agreement (FRA). It is a requirement that this is completed prior to registration through Slate.

The Financial Responsibility Agreement is a disclosure agreement between the student and Mount Mercy University that states the student agrees to pay all charges that result from registration and services received from the University. Students will be asked to acknowledge that they understand that their responsible to pay all charges associated with attendance and where applicable, residence costs at the University. The agreement also explains the following:

  • How financial aid is used to pay student balances.
  • The consequences of not paying in a timely fashion.
  • Communication regarding outstanding balances owed to the university.
  • Form 1098-T requirements related to social security number or taxpayer identification number.
  • Electronic distribution of Form 1098-T.

Students only need to sign the agreement once as long as continuous enrollment is maintained within the same program of the University. If a student changes programs (i.e. undergraduate degree to graduate degree), a new FRA is required for the new program.

View the FRA (PDF)

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